
Andrea & Kyle Danner

Serving in Asia Pacific

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Account 3A83131

aldanner23@gmail.com Phone: N/A


We are the Danner family (Kyle, Andrea, Jackson and Noah) and we are headed to Chiang Mai, Thailand as Missionary Associates!  We have a passion to bring the life-changing message of the Gospel to a region that has little access.  The team that we are joining in Chiang Mai has a lot of connections to local Thai churches and we are excited to partner with them in bringing the Gospel to the wonderful people of Thailand.


In our visits to Thailand, we have had the opportunity to lead English camps for young children at a local Thai church, participate in local construction projects with Thai pastors, organized a soccer ministry to invite the dad’s to church, met with local believers to encourage them in their faith and much more.  We are excited to go back and make connections in our community where we will be living, begin formally learning the Thai language, and spread the love of Jesus as a family.  The Lord has shown us time and time again how our young children can break down even language barriers to make deep connections with everyone we come in contact with.  Our 6 year old Jackson is already praying for the friends he has yet to meet and we are so excited to see those friendships develop.


Thank you for supporting us in our next steps of obedience to what God has in store for our family.  As we prepare to go, the below verse has been on our heart as we look to live in a spiritually dark place that needs to hear about the love of Jesus.  


Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well. 1 Thessalonians 2:8

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