
Brie Hartzer

Serving in Europe

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Account 2969897

brie.hartzer@eu.agwm.org Home: N/A


Hello! My name is Brittany ‘Brie’ Hartzer and I have the privilege of serving in Barcelona, Spain with missionaries John and Brandi Carrano.


To say I was raised in church doesn't do justice to my upbringing. I was actively involved in church from the time I was in children's church until I graduated from High School. From Missionettes to mission trips, the church was always a central part of my life.


The summer of 1998, my family moved to Germany where we lived for five years. My father, a historian with a love for Europe, ensured the time spent in Europe was full of learning and exploration. It was always important to my father that we experienced the culture, history, and attempt to learn key phrases in each of the 32 countries we visited. In 2003 we returned to Florida, but my heart stayed in Europe.


When I was in High School I became involved with Fine Arts. After church, the second thing that my life always seemed to revolve around was the ability to use the gifts God has given me with the creative arts. The realization that I was able to use these gifts to serve the Lord was an eye-opening moment that completely changed how I viewed worship.


I went to college as a theatre major with dreams of Broadway and I began focusing on myself instead of God. It was three years where I became obsessed with my talent and it fed my ego until God was completely removed from my mind. Fortunately, I transferred to an Advertising program for my senior year after becoming disillusioned with the Theatre department and how my talents took shape when God wasn't at the center of them.


Four years went by, and I was angry that God had taken away my talents. I was angry and resented God for what had become of my life. My dreams of Broadway stardom were gone and were replaced with a life I never wanted. Then God began to open doors and awaken in me a desire to use my gifts again. What I didn't realize, was over those four years that I mourned over my possible future, God was removing all of my ego and self-centered desires to ensure that this time He was at the center of it all.


In 2015, God completely changed my life when I came back to Him and began serving Him with my talents. But I knew He was calling me to serve Him full time with the gifts He had given me. Now, looking back, I see how every moment in my life has led me to this point. I cannot wait to take this journey to Barcelona.

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