
David & Amy Julian

Serving in Asia Pacific

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Hi, we are the Julian Family! We have been serving with AGWM as missionary associates from 2017-2020 with both CompassionLink and in Vanuatu and we are now privledged to be able to serve as career missionaries in the islands of Papua New Guinea. David has a background in sheet metal fabrication and Amy is a Family Nurse Practitioner. In the summer of 2015, God called us right out of the pew at our local church to serve Him in the South Pacific. While we have not served as pastors of a church, we have been serving in our local church since we were children, and David has received his ministerial license from the Southern Missouri District of the Assemblies of God.

So what do we plan to do in Papua New Guinea? Our area director has a vision for the islands of the South Pacific that include a 5-fold missions emphasis with one of those emphases being on Health and Community Development. Our heart's desire is to take the skills and giftings that God has given us to reach the areas of PNG that have been resistant to the gospel. Think about how Jesus did ministry: oftentimes He ministered to peoples' physical needs before He ministered to their spiritual neeeds.  We believe that we are being called to do ministry in this way! To be a tangible example of the gospel to people who may not hear it any other way. We hope to establish health aid posts as well as train up local people to be able to do basic first aid and take care of basic health needs. We also hope to be able to help with community development needs such as clean water initiatives to minister to the physical needs of the people and establish relationships in communitites, especially communities where the Gospel has not been welcome up to now. From there our hope is that the church will be established where it has never been established before!

If you would like to hear more about our vision for Papua New Guinea, we would love to hear from you! Please contact us and we would love to meet with you either in person or virtually and share the burdon that God has placed on our heart for the people of PNG!

Check out our ministry video at this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHp9CtbZZmU. We would also love for you to follow our journey on facebook at facebook.com/JulianMinistries and on our website at www.julianministries.org. 

You can contact us at julianfamilyministries@outlook.com or by call/text to 417-459-2866.

Thank you and God bless!

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