
Ryan & Mandie Buesgens

Serving in Asia Pacific

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Account 2967164

ryan@wandereurasia.com Phone: N/A


What's New?


Happy to announce we are now fully appointed career workers with AGWM! We are so excited to continue the work to which the Lord has called us, in North Africa. We are currently working on our financial and prayer partnership, once we are fully funded we can purchase tickets and return overseas. We look forward to seeing how the Lord will provide as we continue to build our team.


We are so excited to share the vision and plans for our next term! Our family will be joining a brand new church planting team! The team will be on the southern coast of our host country, roughly 500 miles south of our previous city. We'll be joining our leaders and their family, along with another couple; they hope to launch in August of this year. We will join them as soon as our budget is fully funded. 


Once we are in country, we will be establishing an export business that will add value the local community & intentionally build relationships with nationals to further the Gospel. We are especially excited about this business as it has the potential to propel forward our church planting efforts. Additionally, this will provide our family and another couple with residency and give us longevity to stay in country.


Ryan was recently asked to work alongside a new initiative for the emergent national church. We will strategically partner with key leaders of the national underground church to establish sustainable business models. Many of these leaders have lost jobs and endure persecution in their community due to their Christian faith. We are very honored to serve the leaders of the small, but growing national church.


Finally, as a Step Global site, our team will host and train interns and professionals in local language, church planting methodology in a cross cultural context, missiology, Islamics and contextualized business skills. Recruiting for the site is already underway and we hope to welcome interns and short term teams as early as 2022. 


There is so much to look forward to in the coming months and during our next term. God is building His church in North Africa and we are honored to be a part of it. Join with us in prayer for the name of Jesus to be made famous in North Africa & the Arab World. Thank you so much for your prayers and support as we endeavor to bring the light of Jesus to the dark places.


About Us:  We (Ryan & Mandie) met in a teens outreach theatre company in 2000 and became instant friends. Years later, we reconnected and were married in June of 2009. The Lord has entrusted us to raise five blessings: Dirk(11), Blake(8), Brock(6), Adeline (2) & Beck (8 mo.). Prior to our time on the field, Ryan worked 10 years in banking. He also consulted with businesses in finance and marketing strategy and continued to do so overseas. Mandie worked at home, both full-time with the kids as well as owning & running her own Etsy business. Additionally, consulting with other makers in the online space. We continue to work together, sharing and utilizing each other's unique skillsets to parent our children as well as propel our respective businesses and ministries forward.

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