
Jacob & Vanessa Johnson

Serving in Africa

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johnsonjjake@gmail.com Home: N/A


Having the opportunity to serve in Botswana for 10 months, we found a great opportunity that meets a great need. The median age of Africa is 19 years old. Which means the majority of Africans are the teenagers and young adults who are about to be leaders in their respective fields.

In order to see this next generation reached for Christ, we must reach the young adults and teens of Africa. While some efforts have been made, we see a God sized opportunity at the University of Botswana. The University of Botswana is the largest university in the country. This means they almost exclusively receive every eligible university level student from around the entire country. 

 We have the opportunity to reach a nation of young people in one central location. We are empowered and passionate to see this next generation find a Jesus who loves them, equips them, and calls them into His kingdom. 

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