
Melvin & Louise Ho

Serving in International Ministries

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Account 2473668

homelvin2019@gmail.com Phone: N/A



Melvin and Louise Ho Missionary Profile


Background: Melvin came from a traditional Chinese family in Malaysia. He became a believer at the age of 14 through the ministry of Delmer Guynes. Louise comes from the Netherlands. She had a life changing spiritual experience of God’s grace in Belgium where she also experienced the baptism in the Spirit in 1964.


Education: Melvin received his BA in English Literature, Linguistics and Education and an MA in English Language and Literature (1973 and 1975) in New Zealand. In 1988, he graduated with a Masters in Divinity and an MA (Biblical Languages) from the AG Theological Seminary in Springfield, MO. Louise graduated from the VU University of Amsterdam in 1968 with a nursing degree. She did her missionary and theological training at the WEC Missionary Training College in Glasgow, Scotland, and at the University of London. In 2002, she received her MA (Inter-Cultural Studies) from the Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, Baguio City, The Philippines.


Missionary Assignments: From 1972-1980 Louise served as a missionary in Taiwan with WEC. Together with Melvin, they were appointed as AGWM missionaries in 1990. They served in the Asia Pacific region from 1992-2002 where Melvin was a faculty member at the Asia Pacific Theological Seminary and Louise, the campus nurse. She also was co-founder and director of the Christian Academy of Baguio, an international school for missionary and seminary students’ children. She also served in medical missions in the Philippines, Cambodia and China. From 2002-2017 the Ho’s served in The Netherlands as faculty members of the Azusa Theological Seminary. Louise also served as national missions coordinator and Melvin as pioneer of the Ministry to Muslims. From 2011-16, they also pastored the New Day International Church.


Current Assignment: Melvin and Louise are now based in Springfield, both serving as faculty members of the School of Evangelism and Discipleship and the School of Theology and Bible at the Global University. Both these schools have a truly global impact by providing evangelism tools as well as discipleship and ministry training to well over a hundred nations and ethnic people groups, including in areas where traditional missions is restricted.  Although based in Springfield, the Ho’s continue at times to serve overseas, teaching in Bible Schools and fulfilling missions initiatives connected with Global University.


 We thank you for the many years of partnership in God’s harvest. Please continue this partnership, or join at this time, in praying and giving so we can fulfill our calling and responsibilities to see “the lost found and the found trained for ministry, everywhere”.


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