
Carrol & Gayle Deal

Serving in Africa

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Account 2359990

cdeal@somoag.org Home: N/A


  • Carrol and Gayle Deal serve the countries of the Central Africa area, which includes Equatorial Guinea where they have been missionaries since 1987.  Reaching those who have not had an adequate presentation of the gospel and discipling the new believers has been the primary focus.  Following church planting, the development of Bibles schools where the Church can train workers is of utmost importance.   They have assisted with the Bible schools in Lubumbashi, DRC, Kisangani, DRC, and Libreville, Gabon, and recently completed the construction of the Malabo Bible School campus in Equatorial Guinea.  In November 2018 the Equatorial Guinea Assemblies of God celebrated their 30th Anniversary and dedicated the completed campus.


Carrol and Gayle have two sons.  Shawn and his wife, Megan are missionaries to Africa serving with Africa's Hope.  Brett and his wife, Elise, are missionaries in Senegal, West Africa.  They have four grandchildren, Daphne, Ava, Henry and Fiona.


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