
Marci Moyer

Serving in Eurasia

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Account 2273712

moyermarci@gmail.com Home: N/A


My Story

I came to know Jesus as a child and always had a heart to follow wherever he leads.  After getting a degree in social work and working with troubled youth for a few years, I felt a call to missions during a Sunday night service. I resigned my job and attended the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary where I graduated with a degree in Missiology.

While attending seminary I became involved with Chi Alpha and spent the next ten years serving as a campus pastor on the secular college campus at Missouri State and University of Texas, Arlington. While living in North Texas I became an ordained minister of the AG. God then opened the door for me to fulfill my call to missions internationally and I served fifteen years in a closed country in Northern Asia. I found it necessary to resign my mission’s appointment to care for my ill and aging parents for a season.  I was honored to be able to serve them in their final years.

The call to missions never left my heart. God has once again given me the opportunity to serve him overseas.  I am very excited to be heading to Estonia to serve on the Reach Estonia church planting team. I will serve by reaching the lost through relational and missional living, discipling new believers, and training leaders as we plant churches in the "least religious country in the world."


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