Reaching Hungarian Women and Girls for Jesus


More than 250 women crowded into Riverside Church, an Assemblies of God international church located in the heart of Budapest, Hungary, to take part in a what leaders refer to as a catalyst to reach Hungarian women for Christ — Inspire Hungary.

Inspire is a global movement of evangelism, empowering women and girls to make sharing their faith normal. Marked by its authenticity, ability to foster connection, and individual emphasis on purpose and value, Inspire differs from other women’s ministry events.

“If we teach every woman and every girl to be on mission with their life, it will naturally multiply,” said Melinda Henderson, Inspire founder. “When we live out our faith in a joyful way and invite the next girl to that joy of Jesus, it is naturally contagious.”

Although Inspire reaches women and girls around the world in many ways, the ministry’s most recognized aspect is its global gathering events. The Inspire movement, led by Henderson, began at Vienna Christian Center (VCC) in Vienna, Austria.

As former pastors of VCC, Melinda, an ordained AG minister, and her husband, Larry, AG World Missions Europe regional director, experienced a flourishing season of ministry. While witnessing salvations, miracles, and water and Holy Spirit baptisms every weekend, Melinda’s missional lens couldn’t help but notice the unreached in their city. During this time, Melinda invested in cross-generational mentoring of the women and girls who attended VCC. After reflecting with the Lord and considering her sphere of influence — the women the Lord had entrusted her to mentor — Melinda officially launched The Inspire Project in 2018.

“Our focus can’t only be Sunday services,” said Henderson. “Our focus must be equipping people to know Jesus and share their faith in everyday life. God never called us to maintain the church, but be the Church. He sent us to make disciples.” Inspire’s goal is to make disciples who make disciples in an authentic, transcultural, and Spirit-driven way.


Although Inspire adapts to the cultural norms of the country in which Henderson holds these events, most Inspire events begin with a time of fellowship and networking among the women and girls who attend.

“It doesn’t matter our culture, age, demographics, or geographics. Women are connectors of people,” said Henderson.

After a time of connection, the first session begins. Attendees become familiar with the speakers as speakers give a personal introduction where they talk about their hobbies and background information, a time for Q and A, and a short testimony. The following three sessions, depending on the country, involve Scripture, testimonies, and panels from various ministry leaders, church leaders, congregation members, and previous attendees. At the end of each day, there is a time of worship, an altar call, and corporate and individual prayer and reflection.

Attendees publicly celebrate each decision for salvation. There is a prayer room where attendees can go for further questions about the message or prayer needs.

Inspire events are not just for those who are looking to deepen their faith or those who are seeking the Lord. Inspire is also for the women and girls who are not in the room — they gather with them in mind.


Inspire events have a decisive impact on those who attend — and others who are drawn to the move of the Spirit.

Previously, the Lord moved powerfully through Inspire Iceland. Inspire staff hosted this event in a hotel in Reykjavik, Iceland’s capital city. A non-believing hotel worker, not registered for Inspire, circulated in and out of the auditorium during the Inspire sessions. When some of the Inspire staff approached her, the hotel worker told them, “I feel good vibes in here.”

After watching the woman step in and out of sessions all weekend and sensing her curiosity, Henderson instructed team members to reach out to her, giving them a few key phrases.

“I asked them to go to her,” Henderson recalled, “and ask her what she feels and tell her those ‘vibes’ are the Holy Spirit wanting to reach out to her. Tell her that Jesus will give purpose to her life — boldly ask her if she wants to give her life to Jesus.”

After the staff invited this woman to accept Jesus, she joyfully responded, “Yes.” Inspire staff led the hotel worker to the prayer room and prayed with her. She proudly held her first Bible, given to her by Inspire.

“At the end of the day, every woman in every country around the world wants to know they’re loved, wants to know God sees them, and wants to know they have friends who believe in them,” said Henderson.

November 2023 was the first launch of Inspire Hungary. The Inspire staff and Riverside Church team are expecting the same life change that occurred in Iceland to occur not only in Hungary, but also Mexico, Belgium, Greece, Sweden, the Czech Republic, and Germany: the six new Inspire first-launch locations for 2024.


Inspire Hungary equipped women and girls with the basic knowledge they needed to understand Jesus, their lives as Christians, and their call. In a place known for its reliance on human logic and the ritualism of Christianity, Inspire Hungary encouraged attendees to think deeper about their faith.

“God’s love poured into your heart is not the same as God’s love proven in your mind,” said Paula Boone, Inspire executive director. “God’s love poured into your heart by the Holy Spirit is a spiritual marker that will change you forever . . . you will never be the same.”

One Inspire attendees stated, “Inspire reminded me of what it means to be a Christian — going to everyone we encounter and spreading God’s love everywhere. It was especially important and special for me because being filled with the Holy Spirit is something I’ve longed for so long and I experienced that at Inspire.”

Inspire Hungary also experienced a powerful move of the Holy Spirit, according to Laurita Rivera, Inspire Spanish director. The palpable presence of the Holy Spirit permeated the air.

“We heard yesterday how girls as young as 16 years old were baptized in the Spirit and even older ladies, too,” said Rivera.

During altar calls, women joined hand in hand, bringing fellow sisters in Christ to the altar for prayer. Some marched up to the stage with boldness, some hesitantly approached, and others were lovingly led by friends and leaders as the Inspire ministry team placed hands on them and began to pray. A flood of emotions circulated the room as some women jumped for joy and experienced liberation, others wept as the presence of the Holy Spirit fell on them, and some simply witnessed the newly declared decisions for salvation, baptisms in the Holy Spirit, and calls to ministry in others.

“I want every woman and girl to leave knowing that they’re worth God using, that they’re valuable enough that God will use them,” said Henderson. “There are no ‘less-thans’ in the Kingdom, there are no ‘more-thans.’ I want every woman and girl to know that God has given them an assignment and they’re worthy of that assignment.”

To learn more about upcoming Inspire events as well as how to partner in support of Inspire, click here.

By Holly A. V. Knapp


Stories of Europe

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