Senders Fund
The heart of our outreach is the individual with a life calling to leave everything familiar to share the good news of Jesus. The AGWM Senders Fund gives all new appointed general missionaries a boost to their cash budgets to help them reach the spiritually lost around the world.

Senders Funds
Accelerate new workers entry to the field!
Lives Spent for Him
The highest priority of our mission is not projects. It is people. The heart of our outreach is the missionary with a life calling—who leaves home, family, and friends to live in a foreign land, learn a language and culture, identify with and love the people, share the good news of Jesus, and help establish a church that will endure. Even with all the technological resources and innovative ministries and programs available today, the divinely called missionary is and always will be the heart of our mission.
Because God’s servants are people, His callings are personal. For some, the call is dramatic and unforgettable. For others, it is the steadily growing realization that they have no alternative but to spend their lives taking the gospel to those who need to hear.

Senders Funds
Accelerate new workers entry to the field!