
Todd Crant

Serving in Europe

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Account 2967420

todd.crant@eu.agwm.org Phone: N/A


Malta is a small island of only 120 square miles and yet there is over 500,000 people living here. The Lord has called me to establish a Teen Challenge program. It is desperately needed as there are no Christ-centered programs for those who are battling life-controlling problems.

Through many confirmations I was sent to Malta in 2013. I lived here for 7 months and was able to put together a team of Maltese Nationals. We are currently continuing the work of evangelism and discipleship. We intend to establish a Teen Challenge for adult men.

I am working with the AG church as well as the Maltese Global Univeristy branch. My main focus is evangelism and outreach. I am discipling new believers through Global University and Living Free groups.

I would be very grateful for your prayers and any financial support to continue this work. There is a generation of young people in Malta who are lost in a morass of addiction to immorality, drugs and alcohol. There is a love greater than addiction and it is the love of Christ we all so desperately need.



2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

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