
Chad & Judith Daugherty

Serving in Africa

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In January 2019, the Lord gave us clear direction to return to Africa and work with the Bible Schools, so we transitioned to Côte d'Ivoire, West Africa. Côte d'Ivoire is situated on the southern bulge of West Africa between Liberia and Ghana. We spent two years in Côte d’Ivoire where we planted a lay training center, helped build several tabernacles in villages where they did not have a church, conducted many evangelistic campaigns, ministered in many village churches, and trained others in a method for reaching Muslims with the gospel message of Jesus Christ. We saw many pray to accept Christ as their savior.
Our heart for evangelism became obvious to our leaders, so in August 2022 we were offered the opportunity to fill a critical need in The Gambia. The Gambia is a nation in West Africa where Muslims make up 96% of the population. Less the 1% of the people are evangelical Christians. This nation is completely open to evangelism. There are only six (6) established churches, and there is not yet a national church. The Gambian mission’s team has the vision to plant 100 healthy churches among the Gambia’s Unreached People Groups (UPGs) by 2030. The Gambian field needs a missionary who would lead and coordinate evangelism, discipleship, lay training centers, and church planting to help accomplish this goal. After much prayer, we accepted this assignment. We officially begin serving in The Gambia effective December 2022.
We are thankful for the honor and blessing it is to serve the Lord. God has already blessed us in our ministry to reach the lost. However, we believe God is going to do even greater things as we share the good news of Jesus Christ in the unreached areas of The Gambia.
We are excited about the plans God has for our future serving Him!



Chad 12.11

Judith 12.10








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