
Reinier & Kristen Vorster

Serving in Africa

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Account 2994358

reinier.vorster@agwmafrica.org Phone: N/A



Hello! We are Reinier and Kristen Vorster, missionaries to Madagascar! We have two children, Joshua and Melea. They are our joy and we are looking forward to watching them grow in the Lord and in a love for missions!

As AGWM missionaries, we will be involved in training and discipling Malagasies to do the work that God has called them to do. With 1/4 of the people groups in Madagascar considered unreached, it is vital that pastors are trained and sent out to reach the lost throughout the island. 

Reinier's focus will be at the Assemblies of God Bible School, training pastors. Kristen's passion is children's ministry, so she will be training children's ministry leaders on how to reach the next generation for Jesus. 

We look forward to see how God transforms the lives of these great people. It's an honor to be a part!


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