
Jennifer Cardona-Duran

Serving in Europe

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Account 2976819

jencard4@gmail.com Phone: N/A


About Me 

My name is Jennifer Cardona and I was born and raised in Florida, by parents who immigrated from El Salvador. I graudated from the University of South Florida with a Bachelor of Accounting and a Master of Business Administration. I worked as an accountant for a few years before the Lord led me to serve in ministry. In April 2022 I completed a year-long assignment in the Arab world. I'm grateful the Lord allowed me to be there. But as my assignment was finishing, I felt the Lord wanted to transition me to a different place. 


Where I am Going 

The Lord has opened a door for me to minister in Europe, specifically Vienna, Austria. I will be working with a church called Vienna Christian Center for 2 years, as a missionary associate. Vienna Christian Center (VCC) is a multi-cultural church planted by Assemblies of God World Mission back in the 1980s as a response to growing international communities in Austria. Today, the city has a population of 2.4 million people and 1.2 million of those people are non-Austrian. Making Vienna one of the most diverse cities in the world. VCC is one church made up of multiple language congregations. These congregations minister to Western and Central Europeans, and also to people from some of the most unengaged parts of the world. My role will be to help the with the English and Spanish congregations, and aid in the administrative and accounting functions of the church.


Why I am Going

My relationship with Jesus deepened when I joined a Christian group in college, called Chi Alpha. In Chi Alpha, there was a young woman named Jackie who took the time to disciple me. Through her, I saw what it means to put Jesus at the center of one's life and serve Him. I thank God for Jackie's obedience to the call of 'Go and make disciples.' Because I don't know where I would be if she didn't. Unfortunately, many Europeans lack this personal access to the Gospel. They know about Christianity, but they do not know who Jesus is. They neither have family or friends who are true believers. Most of them have never heard an accurate representation of the Gospel. They are living a life that is so distant and separated from God. God’s desire is that ALL would know Him and enter into His Kingdom. Romans 10 says that all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved. By how can you call on someone you do not know? That is why we must go and be the personal access that people need to know Jesus.


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