
Richard & Sandra Farthing

Serving in Latin America Caribbean

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Rich and Sandee Farthing have done over 30 projects in the back country of Bolivia with the Guarani and Quechua Indians. They also built and directed the Cochabamba Bible Insititute for 5 years and then turned it over to the Bolivian National Church.   They Built a Church inside the Men's prison in Cochabamba as well as ministering inside the Women's prison touching the lives of the women and children who live inside the prison walls with their parent.   The Farthing's founded the Bolivian Hope Center.   The Bolivian Hope Center takes children out of the prison and provide a Loving Godly enviornment, meeting the physical, social, and spiritual needs of the children.   The Bolivian Hope Center Home of Hope provides a home for 36 children and ministers weekly to over 700 children in the daily program.   They continue working at the BHC impacting the lives of the children who pass through the doors of the BHC!

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