
Shelley Carl

Serving in Asia Pacific

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Account 2264869

shelley.carl.agwm@gmail.com Phone: N/A


I have been in fulltime ministry for over 40 years, and am "Serving the Risen Son in the Land of the Rising Sun" as a missionary with the Assemblies of God World Missions.  I am currently partnering with a Japanese pastor to pioneer Garden Hills Church which was launched on April 8, 2018. In addition to church planting and evangelism, I recently began a PhD program in Intercultural Studies to research Japanese Christian conversion.

I appreciate your prayers for the unreached nation of Japan. Japan has less than 1% Christian and  the city of Tokyo where I minister is the largest metropolis in the history of the world with the largest concentration of anywhere in the world who have not yet called upon the name of Jesus for salvation.

You cannot change the whole world. But you can change the whole world of one person. I encourage you to make a difference on behalf of a spiritually impoverished nation by partnering with me to touch Tokyo. Please feel free to email me, and to like my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/shelleycarlmissions/

Email: ShelleyCarlMissions@gmail.com

Link for Giving: s1.ag.org/shelleycarl


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