
Gaylord & Fredna Brown

Serving in Africa

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Account 2281145

gaylordbrown@gaylordbrown.com Phone: N/A


Gaylord and Fredna Brown currently serve with Assemblies of God World Missions in the area of project development with Africa Tabernacle Evangelism. They continue teaching in various Bible schools across the continent and working alongside national churches in utilizing tabernacles for ministry purposes.

The Browns pastored almost 17 years in the North Texas District before entering full-time missions in 2004. They served in the countries of Namibia, Malawi, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Kenya. They worked alongside each of these national churches to help them accomplish their ministry tasks and goals. Their ministry included the constructing of churches and Bible schools, preaching in various venues, conducting leadership seminars, teaching in Bible schools, establishing church planter schools, partnering in clean-water initiatives, and offering TESOL teacher training.

Medical issues forced them to relocate to the United States in 2021, but they remain committed to the work of missions in Africa and to the realization of the region's vision to see a vibrant church planted within walking distance of every African.

Please consider supporting their ministry with your prayers and your finances.

Explore their Facebook pages, blog sites, and newsletters and feel free to contact them for more information.

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