
Jim & Nancy Dearman

Serving in International Ministries

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Account 2171809

dearman.jim@gmail.com Phone: N/A


Jim & Nancy have been involved in ministry since they were both kids. They met in college at Southwestern Assemblies of God University. Jim was a ministry major and Nancy’s major was business education. A year after they married they set out as youth pastors and have been in full time ministry ever since. 

Jim says he’s a missionary because he married the wrong woman. Nancy was called to missions during a missions service in her home church, Faith Assembly in Imperial, California. However, she didn’t share that with Jim till they had been married almost a year. It took four more years for Jim to hear the Lord talk to him about missions. He now feels he can’t do anything but missions work. 

Their first mission posting was in West Africa. The city of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso was their home for 2 terms. But they also lived in Lomé, Togo and Freetown, Sierra Leone. During the Freetown time their sons Taylor and Thad were in Dakar, Senegal attending boarding school. 

While in Africa Jim & Nancy worked in many different areas of missions: Bible schools, church planting, evangelism efforts, Christian education & training, church & Bible school construction, relief work and Pastor conferences. 

In 2008 they moved from Africa to FireBible Projects and feel blessed to be working with delivering one of the most valuable tools the Church has today to people around the world. Having used the FireBible in Africa they know the impact it makes in the lives of the people who use it. Giving teaching and instructions on every subject from Creation to the Rapture it has so much material in it many people call it a one-book library. 

The Dearmans are excited to be doing missions and seeing God’s Church grow all over the world and they want to thank everyone who has helped them do what God called them to do.

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